Social media for microbiology education and research
Vincent Racaniello is a well-known Professor of Microbiology at Columbia University Medical Center, New York. As a complement to his research and his classes on virology, he successfully uses different social media tools (blogging, podcasting, microblogging) to spread the love for viruses -- I mean, to teach the public about viruses (the kind that make you sick... or not).
The following video is a recording of a great talk he gave at the Spring 2010 meeting of the Society for General Microbiology in Edinburgh, UK. In this presentation he explains -- in simple terms -- how he uses blogging, podcasting, and other social media tools for the popularization of virology.
I'm wondering if the talk could convince a few of the microbiologists in the audience to jump on the social media bandwagon...? Anyone?
The video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license, and can be watched also at BioCrowd or at Virology Blog.
Image credits: "Jump on the social media bandwagon" by Matt Hamm. Source: Flickr. Image used under an Attribution-Noncommercial Creative Commons license.