Microbiology on Twitter?
Just for fun, I searched Twitter using some microbial-related terms (not many, as the query cannot be more than 140 characters long!). I have added an RSS feed for this query to the side bar on this blog.
[Note (added on 15th Nov): I removed the RSS feed from the side bar -- the automated search was not very useful]
Is Twitter useful for scientists or for science educators? For some, it seems to be.
Will Twitter (or a similar tool) be of general use among scientists in a near future? Perhaps.
As a new user, I know very little about Twitter. But interesting things are happening there.
I just find difficult to make sense out of most of them...
But I´ll keep trying.
And you should, too.
On Twitter, I am TwistedBacteria (obvious). But, definitely, you should be following at least MicroBytes and MicrobeWorld.
I also created a Twibe (a group of Twitter users interested in a common topic) called Microbiology.
(Thanks so much to Alan Cann for introducing me to the Twitter universe!)