Oct 8, 2007

Environment, microbes and infections

The Fundación Lilly (Lilly Foundation, Spain) organizes a scientific symposium titled Environmental Changes, Microbial Systems and Infections, to be held at San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 15-16 November 2007. Topics:

  • Keynote Address, by Julian Davies: "Everything depends on everything else"
  • Environmental changes and microbial evolutionary trajectories
  • The impact of major environmental changes in the microbiosphere
  • Diagnosing environment-related damages in microbial systems
  • Science for intervention: surveillance and bioremediation of damaged microbial systems
  • Multidrug resistance in tuberculosis, malaria and HIV
  • Seminars on practical aspects related with prevention, diagnosis and treatment
You may have a look at the preliminary program, which includes summaries and information about speakers. Or download a pdf file with a program summary.

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