Sep 21, 2007

Bacterial sex: quarantined!

You might have noticed several feeds on the sidebar. One of them (Connotea: csrsanchez''s bookmarks) lists the last five references added to my Connotea library. Last Tuesday I added a new reference: Bacterial solutions to the problem of sex, from PLoS Biology. "The problem of sex" refers to the difficulties to find a fully satisfactory explanation to why sexual reproduction appeared and what its consequences were (from a scientific, evolutionary perspective). After a couple of days, I noticed that the reference did not come out on my sidebar, while later-added entries did. The explanation is that the sexy reference was quarantined by Connotea, due to the repeated use of the word "sex", I guess. This is not a complaint, I understand the use of automatic filters to avoid submission of inappropriate links (and, of course, Connotea has all the right to define "inappropriateness" in the use of its FREE service). Given that automatic filters may be widespread in academic sites and e-mail servers, I was just wondering how annoying the filters may be for anybody doing research in fields concerning anything sexual...

NOTE added on Sept. 27: After remodeling the sidebar, I've changed the feed name from "Connotea: csrsanchez''s bookmarks" to "My Connotea library".

NOTE added on Oct. 10: Problem fixed! (see comments).

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